Es ist wieder ein neuer Spielmodus auf dem Testserver (PBE = Public Beta Environment) erschienen: Doom Bots of Doom. Hierbei spielt ihr in der Kluft der Beschwörer gegen 5 extrem starke Computergegner (Bots). Ihr könnt zwischen drei Schwierigkeitsstufen wählen, die Gegner und Fähigkeiten werden dabei immer stärker. Die Computergegner haben nicht einfach ihre normalen Fähigkeiten, ihre Fähigkeiten wurden extrem verstärkt. Blizcrank zum Beispiel hat drei(!) Arme mit denen er euch ziehen kann. Einen Ausschnitt was euch erwartet, zeigt das folgende Video.


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Insgesamt könnt ihr gegen 15 verschiedene Computergegner spielen: Amumu, Annie, Blitzcrank, Cho’Gath, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Karthus, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Wukong, Veigar, Ziggs und Zyra. Wenn ihr mehr vom neuen Spielmodus sehen möchtet, hat der Streamer woopsNA auf ein zweistündiges Gameplayvideo online gestellt.

Es gibt noch weitere Neuigkeiten! Es sind zwei neue Skins aufgetaucht: Mecha Malphite und Mecha Aatrox. Erste Eindrücke bieten die beiden folgenden Videos.


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Des Weiteren wird Sona überarbeitet. Die Entwicklung ist erst am Anfang und wird sicherlich nicht in dieser Form live gehen. Der Vollständigkeit halber möchten wir an dieser Stelle Riot zitieren. Im Video könnt ihr euch dann auch von der neuen Sona überzeugen. Schreibt uns doch in die Kommentare was ihr von den geplanten Änderungen haltet!

Zitat von Riot
Hey all!

Sona is getting an update to help her player satisfaction and drastically improve the clarity of what she does. This update is also going to be an experiment for development, where Sona is going to be getting to PBE much earlier in her development, meaning that we have a longer time to get your feedback and react to it. This means that feedback is going to be even more valuable for us than usual. Everything you all have is welcome, but there are a few points where we really want to hear from you:

Are the effects of Sona’s spells more clear?
Did you have difficulty using your auras to give allies your buffs?
Did this become easier late game/during team fighting?
Did you feel more able to support or save your allies?
Did you feel more able to survive all-ins during laning?
Did your spell casts feel more impactful?
Did you notice any bugs?
What items did you build?
What items felt very powerful?
What items felt less effective?
Were Sona’s spell effects more enjoyable?
Were Sona’s spell effects easier to understand?
Really looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Full Changelist below:

Passive – Power Chord:

Q Powerchord amplification down from +100% damage to +50% damage

Q – Hymn of Valor

Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds.
Sona and allies touched by the aura get 40/50/60/70/80 (+0.25 AP) bonus magic damage on their next auto attack. Buff lasts 3 seconds
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent AP and AD aura
Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (50/55/60/65/70)

W – Aria of Perseverance

Initial cast heals Sona plus the lowest health nearby ally for 25/50/75/100/125 (+ 0.25 AP) heath. This heal is increased by 1% for each 1% missing health of the target.
Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds.
Sona and her allies touched by the aura get a shield that blocks 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.2 AP) damage.
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent MR and Armor aura
Mana cost increased by 5 at all ranks (65/70/75/80/85)

E – Song of Celerity

Initial cast grants Sona a boost of 13%/14%/15%/16%/17% + (7.5% for every 100 AP) move speed. This decays down to the amount Sona grants to her allies.
Creates a 300 unit aura that lasts for 3 seconds
Grants allies touched by the aura 10%/11%/12%/13%/14% move speed for 1.5 seconds.
Each ally Sona tags with the aura increases the duration of the aura by 0.5 seconds
Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds
No longer grants persistent move speed aura
No longer grants allies % move speed on cast

R – Crescendo

Ranking up Crescendo increases the strength of Sona’s auras
+10/20/30 magic damage for Hymn of Valor
+10/20/30 extra shield for Aria of Perseverance
+2%/4%/6% move speed for Song of Celerity
Crescendo has new VFX that more accurately show the affected area of the spell

Known Issues

Due to Sona being an an earlier stage of development, it is highly recommended to use her base skin. Other skins may not have all their audio and visual effects playing correctly.
Sona’s Q aura bonus trail particles do not apply to certain enhanced auto attacks (Draven’s axes, Caitlyn Headshots, etc.)
Sona’s updated Audio and Visual Effects are still works in progress. These will be getting more polish over the days and weeks to come.
Sona’s information in the client is not up to date with these changes
Sona bot is going to be really dumb until we can tell her about her new tricks


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