Es gibt so viel zu entdecken mit dem W vom neuen Champion Tahm Kench. Was passiert zum Beispiel, wenn er eine Kalista frisst, die gerade einen Skarner Ulted, der einen Gegner am Haken hat? Ein video dazu findet ihr unten und zusätzlich weitere Antworten zu „was passiert eigentlich wenn Tahm…?“

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Antworten von ZenonTheStoic auf die Frage: „Was passiert eigentlich, wenn Tahm Kench mit seinem W diesen Champion verschlingt?“ (Quelle):
    Swain with ult on.
      Birds come out of his mouth.
    Fiddlesticks with ult on.
      Birds come out of his mouth.
    Shyvana Dragon form with her W on.
      Fire comes out of his mouth.
    Zac while ulting.
      Flubber comes out of his mouth.
    Sion with his W on.
      Shield explosion comes out of his mouth.
    Wukong while ulting.
      Monkey-weapon comes out of his mouth.
    Singed with poison trail on.
      Poison gas comes out of his mouth.
    Maokai with his ult on.
      Maelstrom comes out of his mouth.
    Nasus and Renekton with their ults on.
      Ancient space-Shurima fire comes out of his mouth. (sorry narrative team, they’ll always be from space to me)
    Any other champion who has a sunfire if Tahm has sunfire(will they stack?)
      Sunfire comes out of his mouth. Multiple champions with sunfire stack as usual.
    A champion ulted by Lulu.
      Weird purple slow field comes out of his mouth.
    Karthus with his E on.
      Death energy comes out of his mouth.
    Kennen with ult on.
      Lightning comes out of his mouth.
    Garen while spinning.
      Spinny sword comes out of his mouth.
    Jax while dodging.
      Magic dodge energy comes out of his mouth.
    Blitzcrank with his passive ult on.
      Static electricity comes out of his mouth.
    Amumu while crying.
      Tears come out of his mouth. (Weird!)
    Anivia while she has her ult on.
      Anivia is coded in such a way that the ult turns off whenever she cannot cast (such as when she’s devoured). Sorry friend!
    Diana with her W on.
      Moon stuff orbits his mouth.
    Sejuani with her W on.
      Northern Winds come out of his mouth.
    Thresh who dropped a lantern.
      Allies who click the lantern fly… toward his mouth.
    Sona while she has an aura up.
      Aura comes out of his mouth.
    Phoenix Udyr (while pulsing)
      Manbearpig fire comes out of his mouth.
    Rumble with is Q on.
      Fire comes out of his mouth, turns as he does (Tahm gets Flamespitter!)
    Mordekaiser who W’d himself.
      Cloud of METAL SHREDS comes out of his mouth. (Ouch)
    And of course, any champ who was tethering somebody before being devoured, will the tether break upon being devoured?
      Tether comes out of his mouth.

Hope you spotted the pattern there!“

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